Presentation on theme: "THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (UDHR)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Everyone is born free and has dignity because they are human.
Everyone has equal rights regardless of differences between people such as gender, colour, religion, language, wealth or political opinion. Everyone has the right to life and the right to live in freedom and safety. No one shall be held in slavery. Everyone has the right not to be hurt, tortured or treated cruelly. Everyone has the right to be treated as a person under the law everywhere. The law is the same for everyone and should protect everyone equally. Everyone has the right to ask for legal help when their basic rights are not respected. No one should be arrested, imprisoned or expelled from their country without good reason. Everyone has the right to a fair trial, if accused of a crime.

3 Everyone has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, if accused of a crime.
Everyone has the right to privacy. Everyone has the right to travel within and outside their own country. Everyone has the right to seek asylum in another country, if they are being persecuted in their own country. Everyone has the right to a nationality. Everyone has the right to marry and have a family. Everyone has the right to own property on their own or with others. No one should have their property taken from them without good cause. Everyone has the right to their own free thoughts, conscience and religion including the right to practice their religion privately or in public. Everyone has the right to say what they think and to share information with others. Everyone has the right to meet with others publicly and privately and to freely form and join peaceful associations.

4 Everyone has the right to vote in regular democratic elections and to take part in the government of their country. Every country must do its best to ensure that everyone has enough to live a life of dignity. Everyone has the right to work for a fair wage in a safe environment and also has the right to join a trade union. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure time. Everyone has the right to a home, enough food and health care. Everyone has the right to education and to free primary education. Everyone has the right to take part in the cultural life of their community and the right to benefit from scientific and artistic learning. National and international laws and institutions must make possible the rights and freedoms set out in this declaration. Everyone has the responsibility to respect and uphold the rights of others in their community and the wider world. No one has the right to take away any of the rights in this declaration.