Device and Web Browser Support: Courses are compatible with desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. For the best course experience, we recommend using the latest browser version available for Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
level-3-course-4 transparentMany beneficiaries have questions about late enrollment penalties and Medicare Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amounts (IRMAA), and this course will help people with Medicare avoid penalties wherever possible. You will learn that penalties are incurred if individuals do not enroll in Medicare Parts A, B, and/or D when they are first eligible to do so, and we will explore how these penalties may be eliminated. The course reviews all key IRMAA considerations: what IRMAA is, when it must be paid and who is likely to pay it, and how to appeal or request a new initial determination if there is disagreement with Social Security’s IRMAA decision.
After taking this course, you will be able to:
This course contains the following features: