Welcome to the Tennessee Veteran Ready Business Recognition Program

The Tennessee Department of Veteran Services (TDVS) proudly introduces the Tennessee Veteran Ready Business Recognition Program. This program aims to recognize businesses in Tennessee that go above and beyond to Recruit, Hire, and Retain service members, Veterans, and their families (SMVF). It also allows businesses to honor our military community's invaluable service and sacrifices.

At TDVS, we help you go from "Veteran Friendly" to "Veteran Ready." Our structured approach educates and assists businesses in promoting a pro-Veteran workplace culture, strengthening Tennessee's workforce by leveraging the unique skills and experiences of the SMVF community.

The Tennessee Veteran Ready Business Recognition Program (VRBP) offers three tiers of recognition – Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each level indicates an escalating commitment and support to SMVF in Tennessee. To qualify, businesses must demonstrate progressively deeper engagement, from basic recognition of military service in hiring practices to empowerment through career development, and ultimately, to making broad-reaching impacts both within and outside their organizations.

By participating in this program, businesses will join TDVS in its mission to support and empower the SMVF community in Tennessee. Together, we can create a more inclusive and supportive workforce that recognizes our military community's unique values and contributions.

• The annual application window runs from July 01 to October 01.

• Businesses submit their applications through the designated online application. The online portal will only accept complete applications.

• The award determinations will be completed in October.

• The award notifications will be sent out in November.

• The award will be effective January of the following calendar year.